Career Spotlight: Lauren Frappier

Member News,

Name: Lauren Frappier
Company: Grubb Properties, Link Apartments Brookstown
Title: Property Manager, CAM
Local NC Affiliate: PTAA

Tell us about your career:

I started out as a leasing consultant around 5.5 years ago! Just like many in this industry, I just sort of "fell" into this career path. I went to school for fashion merchandising but ultimately decided to fulfill my passion for helping people find their homes. I've worked for Grubb Properties for just over three years and I am so proud to work for such an amazing company. 

What advice do you have for someone just starting in your field:

Competence = confidence. 

Be proud of the product you are selling. Understand your lease agreement. Be willing to learn new things. Want to become a leader that creates other leaders.