Political Action Committee

The rental housing industry is heavily regulated, and lawmakers create policies that directly impact our ability to do business in North Carolina. Having a strong PAC allows us to educate candidates and elected officials on issues that significantly impact our industry. It is vital that we lead the conversation involving key issues within the multifamily industry. To do this, we must continue leveraging our collective contributions to support candidates that allow us this opportunity and understand the critical needs of the multifamily rental community.

AANC Political Action Committee (PAC)

The NC Board of elections oversees all state PAC's and has strict donation and reporting requirements. Under this restriction the AANC PAC is only allowed to accept contributions from individual donors. This PAC is prohibited from accepting corporate donations. The money raised can be directly distributed to candidates and other PAC's.

The PAC may not accept, and a contributor may not give, more than $5,400 from a single donor per election. Therefore, if there is a primary and a general election, the AANC PAC may receive $5,400 through the day of the primary and $5,400 from the day after the primary through the general election.

Apartment Association of North Carolina PAC

This PAC is for individual contributions.


$25 - $99


$100 - $249


$250 - $999


$1,000 - $2,499




Disclaimer: In accordance with state law all contributions are deemed voluntary and donor information (name, address, and occupation) will be reported to the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the IRS. All contributions made to AANC PAC are not tax-deductible nor refundable. Contributions will be used for political purposes at the association's discretion.