Career Spotlight: Madison Thomas

Member News,

Name:  Madison Thomas
Company: Parkview Apartments- Keystone Management
Title: Property Manager
Local NC Affiliate: AAWNC

Tell us about your career:

I started as a leasing agent in 2020 with no experience. Over the years I have come across wonderful leaders who have helped me grow to where I am today. Without there encouragement and support there’s no way I would be in the role I am in. I absolutely love working in the multifamily housing, getting to know my residents and my prospects on a certain level to where I know their story, I know why they are here today, and knowing that i am the one that can help them have a home and a place to just call their own brings so much joy and happiness to my heart.

I love all of my residents here at Keystone and all of my residents I have ever come across over my years. I truly hope I have impacted their lives as much as they have mine. Thank you to all who have got me to where I am today. I look forward to continuing my journey and career in such a wonderful way! 

What advice do you have for someone just starting in your field:

Dive right in, don’t be intimidated or scared. Have good working relationships with your co-workers, residents, contractors, etc. It’s so nice to work with people who feel like family! 

Anything else you would like to share:

When I first started in this industry, I was so shy (crazy right, especially for this job). But this career has brought out who I am, it has cracked my shell and just blossomed me in so many ways!