Career Spotlight: Jennifer Mason

Member News,

Name:  Jennifer Mason
Company: Rampart Property Management
Title: Regional Property Manager
Local NC Affiliate: TAA

Tell us about your career:

I guess I could call myself a multi-family veteran. With over 20 years experience working as a leasing agent, assistant, and property manager, as well as managing a regional team, I am well-versed in how to effectively implement policies and plans to maximize a property's potential. My ability to build a cohesive and efficient on-site property team ensures success.

What advice do you have for someone just starting in your field:

It's been said that "teamwork makes the dreamwork." Success in the property management field is only possible if you have the right team in place. Have a great attitude! Stay abreast of trends, balance your time, and stay organized.

Anything else you would like to share:

I received my CAM designation in 2009 and still maintain it.