NAA September Highlights

NAA News,

September Highlights: NAA's Top Updates

Welcome to the National Apartment Association’s (NAA) highlights for September! As leaders in the rental housing industry, NAA strives to keep you informed and engaged. Here are the key updates and opportunities for you.

1. It's almost time to futurize your leadership at Cultivate, Sept. 26-27 in Austin, TX!

Connect, learn and lead the way in rental housing innovation. Register today to transform your tomorrow.

2. Time is running out to apply for the 2025 Apartmentalize Credential Holder Scholarship!

NAAEI offers six scholarships to credential holders who have never attended Apartmentalize, one scholarship per credential (CALP, CAM, CAMT, CAPS, CAS, IRO). Share this opportunity, applications are due by Sept. 13.

3. Income and expenses benchmarking data is available to purchase with I/E IQ!

2023 financials were collected from over 4,500 properties, providing insights to optimize expenses. Purchase benchmarks today to maximize revenue.

4. Mental Health First Aid Training will take place Tuesday, Oct. 15. 

Register by Oct. 6 to learn from the National Council of Mental Wellbeing on how to support residents and team members in times of crisis.