Career Spotlight: Millie Payne

AANC News, Member News,
Name: Millie Payne, HCCP, CAM
Company: GEM Management
Title: Regional Manager
Local NC Affiliate: GCAA

Tell us about your career:

I am a Regional Manager for GEM Management and joined the team in December of 2014, though I have been in the industry since 2001. I  have an extensive background in HUD, and LIHTC properties and hold a Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) and Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP) designations, and Tax Credit Specialist (TCS).

I started as a part time office assistant and worked my way to Property Manager, then Compliance Specialist, and then Sr. Property Manager before landing in a Regional Manager role. Prior to joining GEM Management, I worked with SL Nusbaum and Affordable Housing Management. Currently I am responsible for overseeing the Senior Property Managers and staff in my region.