Career Spotlight: Andrea Phillips

Member News,

Name: Andrea Phillips
Company: Affinity Waste Solutions
Title: Regional Sales Executive
Local NC Affiliate: TAA

Tell us about your career:

I am a rare native to NC, born and raised, with 16 years mutlifamily experience. I began my career as a part-time leasing consultant who was looking for an apartment for myself, that turned into an interview on the spot! I was on a student property and had the best team. I fell in love with the industry immediately! I quickly worked my way to property manager of the same property and two others after. I loved my company and everything about the industry and knew I would have a passion for customer service and the industry as a whole. During my time onsite, I achieved my NALP, now CALP, CAM and numerous property of the quarter awards.

Upon moving to the vendor side, I knew the first item on my list was to get my CAS. Check! I have been actively involved with PTAA at times and more intimately with TAA for over 10 years and on the Special Events Committee, Membership Committee, Education Committee along with several co-chair positions and the Ambassador program. I am now in sales over Raleigh, Greensboro and surrounding areas with an amazing company that is constantly growing and has changed the way property management views valet trash service! Customer service was embedded in my skill set from being onsite and I know most of the day in and day out struggles to really be able to find profitable and workable solutions for trash needs, valet and bulk.

What advice do you have for someone just starting in your field:

Quick answer? GET INVOLVED! There are so many committees, volunteer opportunities, and events to attend. You get out what you put in. Be patient. Relationships are not built overnight. Be your own brand and people will learn to trust YOU as your relationship will develop over time.

One of the biggest things I am passionate about, is to never bash your competitors, onsite or vendors. The industry is transient and everyone is a person aside from their job. BE KIND.

Anything else you would like to share:

My favorite quote:

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm Possible" - Audrey Hepburn