Photo of Brownlee Whitlow & Praet, PLLC

Brownlee Whitlow & Praet, PLLC


Organization Overview

Brownlee Whitlow & Praet, PLLC is a property solutions law firm. We assist property management firms and owners of multifamily communities by providing counseling, training, litigation, and transactional services effectively and efficiently. We understand that our job is to make yours easier!
Alex Martin
Alex Martin
Alexis King
Dillon Frawley
Grace Cook
Heather Tabor Associate Attorney
Kelly Hubbell
Kristen Wills Associate Attorney
Norm Praet
Norm Praet Partner
Pat Finn
Pat Finn Managing Attorney
Rachel Hall
Rachel Hall
Samantha Simpson
Samantha Simpson
Sarah Reddy Raleigh Multifamily Litigation Managing Attorney
Stephanie Schroeder
Stephanie Schroeder Director of Marketing
Todd Whitlow
Todd Whitlow Partner
AANC Logo State Supplier Peak Partner

Areas of Expertise
Community Association Management Services, Corporate and Business Law Services, Multifamily/Apartment Management Law Services, Property Solutions Law, Real Estate Transaction Services