State Suppliers, A Message from the SSC Chair: Dale Holder

State Suppliers: A Message from the SSC Chair
Well, here we are. Several months later and still dealing with the Coronavirus and it’s impact on our industry, how we operate with social distancing and wearing those wonderful masks. With every imaginable in-person trade show, conference and seminars going “virtual,” I encourage all suppliers to stay optimistic, energized and get creative with your messaging. Some companies are allowing limited face to face meetings, but for the most part, the majority of our meetings and presentations are still taking place on Zoom, GotoMeeting, Microsoft Teams & Google Meet.
Camera is on!
Make sure the lighting is good and facing you, not behind you. If you have a window or bight light behind you, you will look like you are in the FBI witness proetection program!
Avoid distrations!
Put a note on the door to direct Amazon not to ring the door bell. Join the call from a room where you can focus. Mute your cell phone and avoid checking it or checing email during the meeting. Be present. Be focused in the meeting and avoid looking away from the screen. Pretend you are actually together with your group in person and give that kind of respect and focus. You’ll get more out it, and they will too.
If you are not the speaker or not presenting, mute yourself unless you have a comment or question. If you are the host, remind everyone to please mute upon arriving but let them know if they have a question they are welcome to unmute.
Echo! Echo…
If you call in on your phone for audio, remember to mute the audio from your computer to avoid the dreaded echo! Don’t be that guy!
Don’t forget the link or the time..
Make sure to include the video conferencing link and any passwords in your calendar invites. Try to keep it to the point and limit your video conference to no more than an hour. Back in April, everyone was Zooming away and having fun. Now most are showing Zoom fatigue, so keep it as brief as possible.
I also want to remind you that AANC offers Tier II Supplier Membership and we are keeping the 2021 rate at the 2020 rate of $299. Tier II Supplier Membership offers some great exposure and benefits you cannot get anywhere else...and it’s state wide exposure on the AANC APP and website!
If you are interested in learning more about the State Suppliers Council, feel free to drop me a line at and I’ll get with you on how you can become involved, and may even put you to work on some great volunteer projects too.
Believe in yourself and stay positive people!
Dale Holder
Chair, State Suppliers Council