10 Things for Trainers in the Experience Age

1. Plan
This seems basic. And we know the saying about fail to plan, then plan to fail. Make an agenda or outline of all the hot-button topics to cover. Practice reciting each topic and make notes. You’ll kick yourself after class for getting sidetracked and forgetting to mention an important detail.
2. Time Management
This can be the happy byproduct of planning, but sometimes great stories happen. When in the planning stages and doing a dry run through material, build in time for creating dialogue. The trainee being able to associate a task with a memory or story is proven to increase the chance of recall after training. If you were able to cover the material uninterrupted in 20 minutes, give yourself 40 for the training session.
3. Give Me a Break!
Build in breaks every 60 minutes. Taking breaks gives participants a chance to stretch and get the blood flowing. Audience members shifting in their seats is a clue that the body needs to get moving. A distracted mind is not one that is taking in information.