Career Spotlight: Lauren Ellis

AANC News, Member News,
Name: Lauren Ellis, CAM
Company: Caralea Valley Apartments (Managed by Greystar)
Title: Assistant Community Manager
Local NC Affiliate: GCAA
LinkedIn Profile
Tell us about your career: 

I began my journey in property management in 2007 and took a brief hiatus to explore a different field, but ultimately came back to what I know and love! I have been with Caralea Valley Apartments, managed by Greystar, for almost 6 years and every day is a learning experience with a chance to grow! During this pandemic, I believe I truly saw how amazing a team can be when times get tough. That is why property management is not just a career, it is a family!

Property management is definitely my passion and I look forward to what’s to come.

What advice do you have for someone just starting in your field:

Be yourself always and never stop pushing yourself to be better! Be compassionate, but firm, and always take your mental health and vacation days. Leave work at work and don’t lose yourself in the fast paced nature of the business. Integrity and hard work go a long way!

Anything else you would like to share:

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