AANC Legislative Update - 8/20/19

AANC News,

LEGISLATIVE REPORT - August 20, 2019


We find ourselves in a sort of legislative limbo with session still officially underway but very few committees meeting and just a handful of bills being finished up here or there. The Senate has been absent a great deal and the House has been stripping bills or putting several bills together to send to the Senate where their fate remains less than certain. It is a difficult position for groups wanting to get things done at the legislature as they refuse to move most bills pending while tinkering at the edges on bills that the House and Senate want to resolve. Seems they are all waiting on a budget resolution that is not happening.

Speaking of the budget, the stalemate continues now for over seven weeks with very little if any discussion apparent between the Legislative Leadership and the Governor’s Office. Not sure how they can resolve their differences if they won’t even get in a room together and discuss them? Reminds me of an old MASH episode where the peace talks broke down over the type of table that the parties wanted to use in negotiations.

Both the House and Senate appear to be back this week to take care of business, and we are hopeful of an indication of how this session will be wrapped up. As soon as we know more than just rumor (or at least a very good one!), we will let you know.

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This Legislative Report is a publication of Kochanek Law Group and is a member benefit of AANC. Any use or reproduction of this report is limited to AANC and its members.